It was quite a day for me today. I woke up in the morning and drove down to Milbrae to have dim sum lunch with my high school friends. While we were having lunch, a person named Jonathan was making comic characters from ballons for the kids in the restaurant. You know, the kid of ballon maker that can bend the long narrow ballon into any shape they want and make it into an animal or so. My friends were looking at the ballon maker for a long time before he approached our table. I ended up deciding to get one for Jess since she really wanted one. Jonathan made a very adorable pink monkey with his ballons. One of my friends took a picture of it. If I can get a hold of it, I will post the picture here. You will see how cute the monkey looks like. It looks exactly like Curious George.
After that, I gave my colleague a buzz because we were supposed to grab brunch today. However, my friends had planned the dinner a week ago so I really wanted to hang out with them. I left a message for my colleague and I sat at Union Square to start reading the book titled "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints." I read for about an hour or so before wandered into the Nike store to grab a discounted UNC jacket. I knew UNC were playing Duke at that time but I was too lazy to drive to Marina to join other UNC alumni to watch the game. I did have a good feeling that UNC was going to win the game and indeed, we beat Duke 86-72. It was the 1st time in 11 years that UNC swept both victories against Duke in a season.
I went home shortly after browsing at the local Gap store and the Niketown. I finished the movie "Flushed Away." Maybe I was expecting too much from the animination because I never find any of the animated movies to be particularly interesting. I am hoping to see the Zodiac before I fly home on Wednesday morning. I finally got my tickets to London and Scotland sorted out. I am very excited that I got to get away from the city and everything around here. I haven't been away since January 2006 and I am dying to leave everything here behind me.
After the movie, I texted my colleague to see whether he wanted to grab a bite or not. Unfortunately, he has eaten wit his roommate. Now, I am debating whether I should get the Thai food in my neighborhood again. However, I have been eating Thai in the last few days and I am a bit sick of it at the moment. Well, I'll see what I feel like getting after I finish reserving my airport shuttle to SFO on Wednesdsay.
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