
August 23, 2006

Online Dating Facts

With the advent of the Internet technologies, you probably have experienced some random people trying to add you as a friend on your myspace or thefacebook account. You probably think that you are so hot that everyone is going after you. You start wondering why the girls or boys around you are not interested in you and thinking that you are in the wrong place and the wrong time to find a partner.

In addition to the social network sites, there are plenty of dating websites catering for your special taste. The ones that are well-known include,, and Yahoo Personals. Okay, I can honestly confess to you that I have never signed up an account with any dating websites, though I was tempted to do so in many occasions, especially why I am sitting at home alone on a quiet Friday night.

According to a survey on dating and Internet use conducted by the PEW Internet and American Life Project, here are some interesting findings (Carolina Alumni, p.106, July/August edition):

Of the 10 million adult Internet users who are single and seeking a romantic partner, 74% have used the Internet in their quest and 37% have used a dating website. Other online activities reported include searching for information about prospective dates, exchanging e-mail or instant messages with prospective dates, maintaining a long-distance relationship and breaking up!

1) 18% of singles age 18-29 use online dating services; they are more likely than any other age group to do so.

2) 22% of singles age 18-29 say they are looking for a romantic partner. The rest are evenly split between those who say they aren't looking and those who are in committed relationships.

3) 17% of adults who have used online dating services say they have entered a long-term relationship with or married someone they met through an online dating service.

4) 64% of online daters think online dating helps find a better match because it helps a person meet more people.

5) 61% of online adults do no think online daters are desperate; 29% do. Younger users generally are more likely to have a favorable opinion of online dating.

6) 55% of adults who are single and looking say that it's difficult to meet people where they live.

7) 66% of Internet users think online dating is dangerous because it involves putting personal information online.

8) In 2004, dating web sites created more revenue than any other paid online content!

Okay, should I start a dating website or should I start using one?
Drop me a comment and let me know what you think.

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